
Showing posts from April, 2021

Need Better Video Conferencing: Install More Memory on Your PC Now

There is an explosive growth in the usage of video conferencing, leading to higher bandwidth consumption for both data centres and internet service providers (ISPs). Memory is a key component of your system. Increasing your memory can aid in improving your video call’s quality, along with the following: Expanding your multi-tasking capabilities by switching back and forth quickly between slides Sharing screens and media during presentation After the adoption of remote work, these tasks have become more important than ever. Video conferencing platforms have varying approaches to utilise system resources. For example, Microsoft Teams, one of the most popular video-based collaboration software, adapts and scales its memory usage, based on open tasks and configurations. Similarly, other platforms have a more static approach but they still fetch considerable resources. Your best bet is to install more memory to keep things consistent and smooth. Don’t Just Follow Minimum Sy

Upgrade the Laptop RAM and Increase Productivity of Your Laptop

  Remote work saves you from the daily commute, but it can also lead to a number of issues, especially loss of productivity. It can be hard to remain productive with so many distractions in place. Here are some tips to change that: 1.   Create a Workspace A dedicated workspace is a must. Pick a quiet spot in your home and transform it into a dedicated workspace. It can be your personal room, living room, or any other place. The main idea is that it must be a place that keeps distractions at bay and lets you focus properly.   2.   Add a Structure to Your Day During the traditional office days, you followed a fixed routine to do everything. In WFH, things have changed drastically – there is no fixed structure to follow. Make a schedule that separates your working hours from your home life. If you are a morning person and tend to do more work during the mornings, optimise your schedule such that you can complete most of your work by noon. If you are more comfortable working duri